At the beginning -- starting to walk to Skandasramam and Virupaksha Cave from Sri Ramanasramam

The photographs are placed in order as one walks up from Sri Ramanasramam to Virupaksha Cave and Skandasramam

As you begin the climb, you are requested to keep Arunachala 'clean and green'
It is best and correct to avoid taking any plastic bags or material with you. If you are carrying a plastic water bottle, bring it back with you, unless someone else needs it more.

There is a board curiously credited to the Archaeological Survey of India directing all devotees and the faithful towards the Skandasramam and Virupaksha Cave. All devotees walk barefoot while on the sacred hill of Arunachala. 

The local Annamalai Restoration Society has been making strong efforts in greening the sacred hill in collaboration with the Tamil Nadu forest department.

There are a number of the devoted who seek the sanctity and solitude of the sacred hill of Arunachala. They sit here, quietly, in contemplation, some reading, some writing and some chanting. But most are sitting here, quietly, just happy to be seated in peace.

The Annamalai Restoration Society display boards in Tamil

The path to Skandasramam and Virupaksha Cave begins to climb from here. If you are walking up for the first time, barefoot, you are forgiven if you are thinking about getting back to Sri Ramanasramam and getting your trekking shoes. I was also guilty of the same thoughts. One gets courage by seeing others walk up barefoot. It's difficult at first, but begins to take you by your jugular and takes you up... if you give yourselves up to the sacred hill of Arunachala.

This is where the path begins to climb steeply. If you overcame your initial fears, you would give up here. I did. I stood here, quietly, thinking if I was foolish, walking up barefoot. What if the snakes came out? What if scorpions were just waiting for me? What if there were millions of thorns on the path? I waited it out for more than five minutes, while my friend went on ahead. After a while, I just gave up... I  gave up myself to Arunachala. The moment I did that, I began to walk. 

Just as you begin to get the pull and push to continue to walk barefoot to Skandasramam and the Virupaksha Cave, I came up to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, waiting for me. I stood here, watching him, and knew that he was sitting here, watching me. It was the most blissful moment. 

After the meeting with Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, the path dissolves right ahead of you. The path does not look difficult, and becomes a smooth elevator, taking the barefoot devotee without any difficulty or fear... right through to Virupaksha Cave and Skandasramam

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