The Arunachaleshwarar Temple, Tiruvannamalai - the spectacular view from Skandasramam and Virupaksha Cave

The view from Skandasramam, early morning. The temple and the town. Spectacular view from Skandasramam

One needs to get to photograph the view at different times of the day and in different seasons. The view from Skandasramam is awesome and humbling. 

the view from the Virupaksha Cave through the forested slopes of the sacred Arunachala

the gopurams of the Sri Arunachaleshwarar temple, the view from the Virupaksha Cave... a most splendid moment

the Sri Arunachaleshwarar temple, from the lower foothills of the sacred Arunachala hill

The view from the lower foothills, as one nears the temple town from the Virupaksha Cave

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