From Virupaksha Cave to the town pathway to Tiruvannamalai

The path from the forested areas through the township on the foothills of the sacred Arunachala hill. 

One can see the gopurams of the sacred Arunachaleshwarar temple as one walks down the path through the settlements, below the Virupaksha Cave

The smaller paths leading away from the pilgrim path are not so well made but are kept clean and blissful in the early morning hours

The houses along the pilgrim path are clean, painted in pastel colors, some are brilliantly painted. The morning rangolis outside some houses are just about fading, as one approaches mid-morning.

The paved and peaceful pilgrim path as one goes through the foothill  settlement towards Tiruvannamalai town

There are all types of houses here, but the path is quite congested. These must have been quite informal settlements, and with incoming prosperity, some of them have begun to develop their houses. There are split unit airconditioners, too... good for them.

I wondered if some of these settlement families were devotees who would walk up to the Virupaksha Cave and sit in meditation or dhyana... I was quite jealous of their proximity to the sacred Arunachala hill. Blissful and blessed, always... 

I could see one of the gopurams, the temple towers, of the sacred Arunacheleshwarar temple of Tiruvannamalai as I walked down the pilgrim path from Virupaksha Cave

The more moderately built and older houses are a delight. The thatch roof design is no longer found frequently within townships. The outer porch is a design of the past, of the 18th and 19th century... I loved the bicycle kept on the porch, a regular roadster. 

The most amazing aspect of the house was that it was as clean on the outside as it was on the inside... one could see through and through, and there seemed to be a decent sort of backyard, also clean.

Just in front of the thatch roof hut, were these more jumbled up and modern type of new houses. Quite a paradox. Some of it sad, and some of it happier. 

The display and direction board pointing out the path to the Skandasramam, and the Virupaksha Cave was being used as a clothes stand... some temporal innovation, perhaps. 

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